Author Guidelines
- Manuscript typed using Microsoft Word program with 1.25 spacing distance, using Arial Narrow 12, quarto size paper (A4), maximum 15 pages and verified in softcopy.
- Articles include articles about research, conceptual, analytical and theoretical applications, literary changes, new books and practical writing.
- Systematic articles with research results: title of the author (without academic degree), abstract, keywords. The contents of the article at least consist of: an introduction that contains the background and / or scope of the article; .Bibliography.
- Systematic article of research results: title of author (without academic degree), abstract containing objectives, methods and research results, keywords. The contents of the article consist of: introductions containing backgrounds and objectives, problems, research methods, literature review or theoretical studies, results and discussion; conclusion or closing and bibliography.
- Abstract (maximum 200 words) and keywords (maximum of 8 words) are written in English if the article is in Indonesian, and vice versa.
- The tables and graphic are written with 1 spacing distance, using Arial Narrow 11
- The bibliography is sorted alphabetically with no serial number, with a free order: author name, publishing year, book title, publisher name, publisher city.
- Excerpts do not include footnotes, but are integrated in text with book names (year and page).
- The content of the writing is not the responsibility of the editor. The editor is entitled to edit editorial without Replace the post.
- The writer attaches the identity at the end of article.